do you have to take donations?
we give folks the opportunity to donate to the Funnies so others who can't afford to give can still receive them.
I do have direct costs related to internet costs, programming for the online subscription tool, domain name
costs, postal box, etc.
in order to support my family, I need to have income related to
the significant time I spend doing the Funnies. To help you understand the commitment, here is a list of my tasks:
Reading and deleting or saving possible Funnies sent to me
Scanning and choosing the Funnies (over 200 a year)
the chosen Funnies (grammar, misspellings, extra spacing, etc.)
each one into the Funnies template
and adding a Thot to each
the Funnies to the server
care of technical problems/interacting with the wonderful Agathan support folks
helping people (over 20,000 subscribers):
opportunities to promote the Funnies list to others
Are donations tax-deductible?
No. The bottom line is that Mikey's Funnies is a simple hobby of mine - a hobby that costs both money and time.
While God has used this silly hobby for His good and many attest to our ministry of laughter, resourcing, and inspriration, we are not a recognized 501(c)3 organization with a board of trustees and annual report to donors.
No one is getting rich from this hobby! The best response we've ever had to our donation requests was 1.03% of subscribers. But their generosity makes the continuation of the Funnies possible.
obviously, it's a little more than quickly shooting an email out each
day. But it's something I'm committed to. Since 1995 I've seen how
God has used the Funnies as a ministry and resource to others. Go figure. I'm
just trying to be responsible with my time for the sake of my family.
that makes sense,
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